HSE Management

HSE Management

The company recognizes that high standards of health, safety and welfare are an integral element of efficient business management objectives and contributes to the operational efficiency and profitability of the company. Health & Safety is a management responsibility of equal importance to production and quality.

It is GCC Policy to comply with the requirements of the Health & Safety at work.

Equally, it is recognized that employees have a duty of care to themselves and others by avoiding hazards, preventing accidents and co-operating with the Company by complying with all instructions and recommendations on health and safety if the aims and objectives of this policy are to be achieved.

Health & Safety Policy

GCC pays every importance to good health, safety performance at all areas of operations to achieve business objectives. Management is committed to take an integrated approach where managing health and safety forms as a part of the overall business strategy, protection of human resources, properties, environment and the same commitment will be demonstrated by all levels of supervision in the organization.

Vigorous efforts will extend prevention of accident in all possible ways and implications. We consider the same as an important element in our construction process and are the direct responsibility of our Projects Management Team.

GCC assures that projects will be carried out with high degree of safety to attain this objective. Our projects management will strive to provide a safe and healthy environment that is free from recognized potential hazards and will maintain its facilities and equipment at maximum safe operating standards.

Occupational Health and Safety Objectives

• To protect all employees and stakeholders in the project.

• To comply with relevant national and international laws.

• To reduce occupational health and safety hazards.

• To control the negative effects of the Occupational health and safety issues or risks.

• To assess / improve the Occupational health and safety performance.

• To be prepared for emergency situations and to intervene immediately.

• To train and inform all employees about occupational health and safety issues.

Environment Policy

It is the policy of GCC to operate its business and carry out its activities in a way that recognizes its responsibilities to and for the environment. The company is committed to pursuing the best environmental practices however and whenever practicable.

Each operating business unit is committed to meeting the objective of this policy.

In particular, we will:

• Include environmental issues as a matter of report of the board of directors.

• Ensure that adequate human and financial resources are made available within operating units to implement and maintain the policy

• Include environmental considerations in our business planning and decision-making.

• Comply with all applicable regulations and statutory requirements as appropriate where no regulations exist set our own standards.

• Train all employees in environmental matters appropriate to their role.

Environment Objectives:

• To make environmentally sensitive buildings.

• To prevent environmental pollution.

• To ensure effective use of nonrenewable natural resources and to help recovery and re-use.

• To comply with national and international laws.

• To be prepared for emergency situations and to intervene immediately.

• To train and inform all employees about environmental issues.